due west

英 [djuː west] 美 [duː west]

网络  正西方; 一路向西; 迪韦斯特; 正西; 由于西


  1. The headquarters is some 30 miles due west.
  2. The long-term causes of the Cold War were fundamentally due to the ideological differences between east and west.
  3. At present, China is, in fact, facing a rapid decay of this traditional industry directly due to the industrial expansion of the West.
  4. Tracy Jewitt, Greycoat's advertising manager, said this is partly due to demand from rich Asians with second homes in the West.
  5. No candles remained for sale in Longchang County due to panic buying in the past few days, the West China Metropolitan Daily reported yesterday.
  6. She is due to travel to the West Bank on Wednesday for meetings with top Palestinian officials.
  7. Due to the difference in culture and experience between East and West, the systems of spatial metaphors applied by the English language and the Chinese language are not the same with one another.
  8. So the sun sets due west for all of us.
  9. The town is due west of here.
  10. The camp is four miles due west.
  11. They were advancing due west into the desert.
  12. Drive due east [ west] to, toward, or in the north-northwest.
  13. Due process has also been under pressure in the West since the terrorist attacks of September 2001.
  14. Due to extensive reclamation, the west channel of Yalu River was silted up severely.
  15. The ship's actual position is 22 miles due south of Key West.
  16. Go due west until you see a lake.
  17. Due to the cultural difference between the West and China, the translation of many trademarks tends to lose its "faithfulness" or is not "faithful" to the source text.
  18. South Korea, which lies due west of Japan, has said it is concerned that the release of thousands of tons of water carrying high radiation levels could reach its shores.
  19. The first is a rebalancing of moral authority due to the receding moral superiority of the West.
  20. However, it has met with predicaments after a period of prosperity due to the cultural differences between the West and the East, the surface understanding of the Western feminism as well as the publishing factors.
  21. Due to the cultural difference between East and West, the extended or metaphoric of the colors are very different.
  22. Deformation mechanism and stability analysis of slope toppling-sliding rock mass due to mining& A case study on west open pit slope of Fushun Coal Mine
  23. Due to the fragile eco-environment, natural disasters are frequent in west arid zone in China.
  24. This paper briefly introduces the conditions of ground collapse and economic loss due to over-extraction of groundwater in scenery district of West Lake, Hangzhou.
  25. Due to its enriched resources, the tourism in West China may and should indubitably become the key industry of West China in the process of their development.
  26. Due to the clear disadvantages of the west areas in natural condition, investment environment and economic system, the government needs to take decisive measures and provide support in the fiscal policy.
  27. Due to the complicated structure of the abutment wall at the west end of Yangpu Port Phase I Wharf, the transition part construction is technically rather difficult.
  28. The current data observed with Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ( ADCP) at two fixed stations were used to analyze the abrupt strong currents due to internal solitons over the continental slope to the west and southwest of Dongsha Islands in the northern South China Sea.
  29. Due to the social and cultural differences between China and West, the content schemata activated by discourse information are different. Communicators involved may interpret the same discourse information differently according to the related cultural schemata in their own cognitive contexts.
  30. It is mainly due to the influence of the large cold water in the west side of Japan Izu islands generated by the meander of Kuroshio.



  1. the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees

      Synonym:    westwestwardW